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Estacada Middle School News

Stay in the know on on important changes and updates occuring at Estacada Middle School. 

Director of Technology, Kristy Cheshier, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds. Keeping kids safe online is very important to our district. Using secure browsing applications combined with age-level content restrictions can help provide protection. The district uses specialized solutions that limit students’ access to inappropriate content and limit access to the outside world. We use these tools on every device that we provide for students, including our Chromebooks and iPads.

Read More about S60 2/3: Keeping Kids Safe Online with Director of Technology

Upcoming Events

Check out important upcoming events at Estacada Middle School.


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"Our mission is to equip every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to be resourceful and successful."

Life-Long Learners


Students at Estacada Middle School are given the tools that they need to set goals and create plans to achieve those goals. Our students engage in advanced PDSA cycles  (Plan, Do, Study, Act) to ensure that their action plans are effective. 

High School Prep


Estacada Middle School and Estacada High School collaborate regularly to ensure that our curriculum sets our students up to be successful in high school. Students are given the opportunity to tour the high school and meet many teachers before moving on to 9th grade.

Community Contributors


Through programs like our Services Learning class and our community garden, Estacada Middle School students have the opportunity to give back to the Estacada community. Our students are able to serve the Estacada area while learning in an engaging and hands-on environment. 

Student Voice

Student Voice

We regularly survey our students to ensure that we are creating a learning environment that meets their needs and is engaging and welcoming. Our staff create action plans to address student concerns and feedback.

Additional Support


Our Friday REID days are designed to allow  students the opportunity to receive support and enrichment in a supportive, small group setting.